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Biblical Archeology

Expedition Bible brings you the teaching of Joel Kramer, a biblical archaeologist and former expeditioner in his younger years. Joel teaches by "taking you into the Bible," showing you Biblical sites, and giving you context, evidence, and experience to understand Scripture more profoundly. Watch, learn, and be encouraged as Joel lays out the evidence for the historicity, authenticity, and authority of the Word of God.

Searching for The Garden of Eden's Pishon River

How we KNOW the dates for the Old Testament!

Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible?

PENIEL: Where Jacob saw the Face of God and lived!

Searching for the earliest mention of the Israelite's God, "Yahweh."

The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!

The Discovery of Joshua's Great Witness Stone at Shechem

Search for the Tower of Babel

Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh!

Evidence That King David’s Descendants Survived In Exile

Archaeology for "the Star who will come from Jacob"

Exploring Babylon and the Prophecies Against Her

Jericho Unearthed: The Archaeology of Jericho Explained

Excavated Canaanite High Place: "the sin of the Amorites"

King David's Tomb: Part 1 -- Finding It

King David's Tomb: Part 2 - Which Is The Correct Tomb?

Archaeology of Jacob's Well at Shechem

Unearthing the Prophecy of Jesus' Birthplace

Archaeology and the Resurrection of Lazarus

Is this where Jesus was tried by Pontius Pilate?

Jesus, the Pressed Olive

The Last Supper and Pentecost...HERE!

The Bible Gets It Right: Jesus' Crucifixion Matches History

The Jesus Tomb...UNMASKED!

Cave Inscription Reveals Archaeological Evidence for Jesus

The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel - Are They Really Lost?

New Testament Archeology

Apostle Paul's First Missionary Journey

Apostle Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Smyrna | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Pergamum | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Thyatira & Philadelphia

Sardis | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Laodicea | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Following the Messiah: 1-5

Following the Messiah: 6-10

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