The Law of Moses, also known as the Mosaic Law, refers to the legal code outlined in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy within the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament. According to the Bible, Moses received these laws directly from God on Mount Sinai. The Law of Moses covers a wide range of topics, including religious rituals, moral principles, dietary restrictions, and civil laws governing the community of ancient Israel.
The Law of Moses is divided into three main categories:
The moral law, which includes the Ten Commandments and other ethical principles guiding personal conduct and relationships.
The ceremonial law, which encompasses rituals, sacrifices, and regulations concerning religious observances and the priesthood.
The civil law, which governs matters such as property rights, marriage and family relations, and criminal justice.
Below is an outline of the Mosaic Law.
1. Israel in Egypt ( 1:1–2:25 )
2. God's Deliverance of Israel ( 3:1–18:27 )
3. The Covenant at Sinai ( 19:1–24:18 )
a. God and Israel Meet at Mount Sinai ( 19:1–25 )
b. The Ten Commandments ( 20:1–17 )
c. Moses Mediates Between God and Israel ( 20:18–21 )
d. The Book of the Covenant ( 20:22–23:33 )
i. Idolatry Forbidden ( 20:22–26 )
ii. Legal Prescriptions ( 21:1–22:15 )
1. Hebrew Servants ( 21:1–11 )
2. Personal Injury Law ( 21:12–36 )
3. Property Laws ( 22:1–15 )
iii. Religious, Moral, and Cultic Instructions ( 22:16–23:19 )
1. Laws of Social Responsibility ( 22:16–31 )
2. Justice and Mercy ( 23:1–9 )
3. Sabbath Laws ( 23:10–13 )
4. The Three Feasts of Pilgrimage ( 23:14–19 )
iv. Epilogue ( 23:20–33 )
e. The Covenant Sealed ( 24:1–18 )
4. The Wilderness Tabernacle ( 25:1–40:38 )
a. The Instructions for the Tabernacle ( 25:1–31:18 )
i. The Collection of Materials ( 25:1–9 )
ii. Furnishings for the Tabernacle ( 25:10–40 )
1. The Ark of the Covenant ( 25:10–16 )
2. The Mercy Seat ( 25:17–22 )
3. The Table of Showbread ( 25:23–30 )
4. The Lampstand ( 25:31–40 )
iii. The Tabernacle and Its Courtyard ( 26:1–27:21 )
1. Curtains and Frames for the Tabernacle ( 26:1–37 )
2. The Bronze Altar ( 27:1–8 )
3. Curtains and Posts for the Courtyard ( 27:9–19 )
4. Oil for the Lamps ( 27:20–21 )
iv. The Tabernacle’s Personnel ( 28:1–29:46 )
1. The Aaronic Priesthood ( 28:1–5 )
2. The Priestly Garments ( 28:6–43 )
3. Consecration of the Priests ( 29:1–46 )
v. Other Elements in the Tabernacle ( 30:1–38 )
1. The Altar of Incense ( 30:1–10 )
2. The Census ( 30:11–16 )
3. The Bronze Basin ( 30:17–21 )
4. The Anointing Oil ( 30:22–33 )
5. The Incense ( 30:34–38 )
vi. Bezalel and Oholiab ( 31:1–11 )
vii. Observance of the Sabbath ( 31:12–18 )
b. Israel Rebels ( 32:1–34:35 )
i. The Golden Calf ( 32:1–29 )
ii. Moses Intercedes for the People ( 32:30–35 )
iii. God’s Presence and the Israelites ( 33:1–23 )
iv. The Second Set of Tablets ( 34:1–9 )
v. God Renews the Covenant ( 34:10–35 )
c. The Construction of the Tabernacle ( 35:1–40:38 )
i. The Sabbath Established ( 35:1–3 )
ii. The Collection of Materials ( 35:4–29 )
iii. Bezalel and Oholiab ( 35:30–36:7 )
iv. Curtains and Frames for the Tabernacle ( 36:8–38 )
v. Furnishings for the Tabernacle ( 37:1–29 )
1. The Ark of the Covenant ( 37:1–5 )
2. The Mercy Seat ( 37:6–9 )
3. The Table of Showbread ( 37:10–16 )
4. The Lampstand ( 37:17–24 )
5. The Altar of Incense ( 37:25–29 )
vi. The Courtyard ( 38:1–20 )
1. The Bronze Altar ( 38:1–7 )
2. The Bronze Basin ( 38:8 )
3. Curtains and Posts for the Courtyard ( 38:9–20 )
vii. Inventory of Materials ( 38:21–31 )
viii. The Priestly Garments ( 39:1–31 )
ix. Moses Approves the Work ( 39:32–43 )
x. The Inauguration of the Tabernacle ( 40:1–33 )
xi. God’s Presence Fills the Tabernacle ( 40:34–38 )
1. The Five Major Offerings ( 1:1–7:38 )
a. Laws for the People ( 1:1–6:7 )
i. The Burnt Offering ( 1:1–17 )
ii. The Grain Offering ( 2:1–16 )
iii. The Peace Offering ( 3:1–17 )
iv. The Sin Offering ( 4:1–5:13 )
v. The Guilt Offering ( 5:14–6:7 )
b. Laws for the Aaronic Priesthood ( 6:8–7:38 )
i. The Burnt Offering ( 6:8–13 )
ii. The Grain Offering ( 6:14–23 )
iii. The Sin Offering ( 6:24–30 )
iv. The Guilt Offering ( 7:1–10 )
v. The Peace Offering ( 7:11–36 )
vi. Conclusion of Offerings ( 7:37–38 )
2. The Aaronic Priesthood ( 8:1–10:20 )
a. Moses Consecrates Aaron and His Sons ( 8:1–36 )
b. First Service of Aaron ( 9:1–24 )
c. Nadab and Abihu ( 10:1–20 )
i. Sin of Nadab and Abihu ( 10:1–7 )
ii. Restrictions for Priests ( 10:8–20 )
3. Uncleanness and Purification ( 11:1–15:33 )
a. Clean and Unclean Animals ( 11:1–47 )
b. Purification after Childbirth ( 12:1–8 )
c. Laws of Tzaraath ( 13:1–14:57 )
i. Skin Disease ( 13:1–46 )
ii. Mildew ( 13:47–59 )
iii. Cleansing of Skin Disease ( 14:1–32 )
iv. Cleansing of Mildew ( 14:33–57 )
d. Unclean Discharges ( 15:1–33 )
i. Men ( 15:1–18 )
1. Uncleanness ( 15:1–12 )
2. Cleansing ( 15:13–18 )
ii. Women ( 15:19–33 )
1. Uncleanness ( 15:19–27 )
2. Cleansing ( 15:28–33 )
4. The Day of Atonement ( 16:1–17:16 )
a. Purification of the Priesthood ( 16:1–15 )
b. Purification of the Tabernacle ( 16:16–19 )
c. Purification of the Nation ( 16:20–28 )
d. Laws for Annual Day of Atonement ( 16:29–34 )
e. The Place of Sacrifice ( 17:1–9 )
f. The Life is in the Blood ( 17:10–16 )
5. Laws for Holy Living ( 18:1–20:27 )
a. Unlawful Sexual Relations ( 18:1–30 )
b. Commandments for Holiness ( 19:1–37 )
c. Punishments for Disobedience ( 20:1–27 )
i. Capital Offenses ( 20:1–9 )
ii. Punishments for Sexual Immorality ( 20:10–21 )
iii. Distinguish Between Clean and Unclean ( 20:22–27 )
6. Holiness Required of Priests ( 21:1–22:33 )
a. Requirements for Priests ( 21–22:16 )
i. Behavioral Requirements ( 21:1–15 )
ii. Physical Requirements ( 21:16–24 )
iii. Restrictions against Uncleanness ( 22:1–16 )
b. Requirements for the Offerings ( 22:17–33 )
7. The Biblical Calendar ( 23:1–25:55 )
a. The Festivals ( 23:1–44 )
i. The Sabbath ( 23:1–3 )
ii. Passover ( 23:4–5 )
iii. The Feast of Unleavened Bread ( 23:6–8 )
iv. The Feast of Firstfruits ( 23:9–14 )
v. The Feast of Weeks ( 23:15–22 )
vi. The Feast of Trumpets ( 23:23–25 )
vii. The Day of Atonement ( 23:26–32 )
viii. The Feast of Tabernacles ( 23:33–44 )
b. The Tabernacle ( 24:1–9 )
i. The Oil for the Lamps ( 24:1–4 )
ii. The Showbread ( 24:5–9 )
c. Blasphemy of the Name ( 24:10–23 )
d. The Sabbatical Year and the Year of Jubilee ( 25:1–55 )
8. Epilogue ( 26:1–27:34 )
i. Blessings of Obedience ( 26:1–13 )
ii. Punishments for Disobedience ( 26:14–39 )
iii. Repentance ( 26:40–46 )
iv. Voluntary Contributions ( 27:1–34 )

1. Israel at Mount Sinai ( 1:1–10:10 )
a. Israel Numbered and Arranged ( 1:1–4:49 )
i. The Census of Israel’s Warriors ( 1:1–54 )
ii. The Order of the Camps ( 2:1–34 )
iii. The Levites ( 3:1–4:49 )
1. The Sons of Aaron ( 3:1–4 )
2. The Duties of the Levites ( 3:5–13 )
3. The Registration of the Levites from One Month Old ( 3:14–39 )
a. The Gershonites ( 3:21–26 )
b. The Kohathites ( 3:27–32 )
c. The Merarites ( 3:33–36 )
d. Moses and Aaron ( 3:37–39 )
4. The Redemption of the Firstborn ( 3:40–51 )
5. The Duties of the Clans of Levi ( 4:1–33 )
a. The Kohathites ( 4:1–20 )
b. The Gershonites ( 4:21–28 )
c. The Merarites ( 4:29–33 )
6. The Numbering of the Levites from Thirty to Fifty ( 4:34–49 )
b. Purification of the Camp ( 5:1–10:10 )
i. Ritually Unclean Excluded from the Camp ( 5:1–4 )
ii. Confession and Restitution ( 5:5–10 )
iii. The Adultery Test ( 5:11–31 )
iv. The Nazirite Vow ( 6:1–21 )
v. The Aaronic Blessing ( 6:22–27 )
vi. The Offerings of Dedication from the Twelve Tribes ( 7:1–89 )
vii. The Lampstand ( 8:1–4 )
viii. The Cleansing of the Levites ( 8:5–26 )
ix. The Second Passover ( 9:1–14 )
x. The Cloud Above the Tabernacle ( 9:15–23 )
xi. The Two Silver Trumpets ( 10:1–10 )
2. The Journey from Sinai to Paran ( 10:11–12:16 )
a. Israel Leaves Mount Sinai ( 10:11–36 )
b. The People Complain ( 11:1–35 )
i. The Burning at Taberah ( 11:1–3 )
ii. The Complaints About Food ( 11:4–35 )
1. Israel Eats Manna ( 11:4–9 )
2. Seventy Elders Anointed ( 11:10–17 )
3. The Quail and the Plague ( 11:18–35 )
c. The Complaint of Miriam and Aaron ( 12:1–16 )
3. Israel in the Wilderness of Paran ( 13:1–19:22 )
a. The Twelve Spies ( 13:1–15:41 )
i. The Spies Explore Canaan ( 13:1–24 )
ii. The Report of the Spies ( 13:25–33 )
iii. Israel’s Rebellion ( 14:1–45 )
1. Joshua and Caleb Intercede ( 14:1–12 )
2. Moses Intercedes ( 14:13–19 )
3. God’s Forgiveness and Judgement ( 14:20–39 )
4. The Defeat at Hormah ( 14:40–45 )
iv. God’s Call to Obedience ( 15:1–41 )
1. The Drink Offerings ( 15:1–21 )
2. Offerings for Unintentional Sins ( 15:22–31 )
3. The Sabbath-Breaker Stoned ( 15:32–36 )
4. The Law of Tassels ( 15:37–41 )
b. Korah’s Rebellion ( 16:1–18:32 )
i. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram ( 16:1–37 )
ii. The Earth Swallows and Fire Consumes ( 16:28–40 )
iii. Aaron Halts the Plague ( 16:41–50 )
iv. Aaron’s Staff Buds ( 17:1–13 )
v. Priests and Levites’ Duties ( 18:1–32 )
c. The Red Heifer ( 19:1–22 )
i. The Offering of the Red Heifer ( 19:1–10 )
ii. The Water of Purification ( 19:11–22 )
4. The Journey from Paran to the Plains of Moab ( 20:1–21:35 )
5. Israel in the Plains of Moab ( 22:1–36:13 )
c. Instructions for the Second Generation ( 27:1–30:16 )
i. The Daughters of Zelophehad ( 27:1–11 )
ii. Moses’ Successor ( 27:12–23 )
iii. The Offerings ( 28:1–29:40 )
1. Daily Offerings ( 28:1–8 )
2. The Sabbath Offerings ( 28:9–10 )
3. The Monthly Offerings ( 28:11–15 )
4. The Festival Offerings ( 28:16–29:40 )
a. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread ( 28:16–25 )
b. The Feast of Weeks ( 28:26–31 )
c. The Feast of Trumpets ( 29:1–6 )
d. The Day of Atonement ( 29:7–11 )
e. The Feast of Tabernacles ( 29:12–40 )
iv. Laws about Vows ( 30:1–16 )
1. Vengeance on Midian ( 31:1–54 )
2. The Tribes East of the Jordan ( 32:1–42 )
3. Final Preparations to Enter the Promised Land ( 33:1–36:13 )
v. Summary of the Wilderness Journeys ( 33:1–49 )
vi. Instructions for Occupying Canaan ( 33:50–56 )
vii. The Boundaries of Canaan ( 34:1–29 )
viii. The Inheritance of the Levites ( 35:1–34 )
1. The Forty-Eight Levitical Cities ( 35:1–8 )
2. The Six Cities of Refuge ( 35:9–34 )
ix. The Inheritance of the Daughters of Zelophehad ( 36:1–13 )
1. Moses’ First Address: A Historical Summary ( 1:1–4:49 )
2. Moses’ Second Address: The Terms of the Covenant ( 5:1–26:19 )
a. The Basic Stipulations ( 5:1–11:32 )
i. Remembering Mount Sinai ( 5:1–33 )
1. The Covenant at Sinai ( 5:1–4 )
2. The Ten Commandments ( 5:5–21 )
3. Moses Mediates Between God and Israel ( 5:22–33 )
ii. The Greatest Commandment ( 6:1–25 )
iii. When You Go into the Land ( 7:1–10:11 )
1. Do Not Assimilate into the Nations ( 7:1–11 )
2. God will Fight for Israel ( 7:12–26 )
3. Warning Against Becoming Proud ( 8:1–10:11 )
a. God has Provided All ( 8:1–20 )
b. Not Because of Your Righteousness ( 9:1–6 )
c. Remember the Golden Calf ( 9:7–29 )
d. The New Tablets of Stone ( 10:1–11 )
iv. Call to Obedience ( 10:12–11:32 )
b. The Specific Stipulations ( 12:1–26:19 )
i. Israel’s Worship ( 12:1–16:17 )
1. One Place for Worship ( 12:1–28 )
2. Warning against Idolatry ( 12:29–13:18 )
a. Do Not Inquire about Other Nations gods ( 12:29–32 )
b. Idolaters to be Put to Death ( 13:1–11 )
c. Idolatrous Cities to be Destroyed ( 13:12–18 )
3. Clean and Unclean Animals ( 14:1–21 )
4. Treatment of the Needy ( 14:22–15:23 )
a. Tithing to the Tabernacle ( 14:22–29 )
b. Cancel Debts in the Seventh Year ( 15:1–6 )
c. Generosity in Lending and Giving ( 15:7–11 )
d. Release of Hebrew Servants ( 15:12–18 )
e. Firstborn Animals ( 15:19–23 )
5. The Pilgrimage Festivals ( 16:1–17 )
a. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread ( 16:1–8 )
b. The Feast of Weeks ( 16:9–12 )
c. The Feast of Tabernacles ( 16:13–17 )
ii. Israel’s Leaders ( 16:18–18:22 )
1. Judges and Justice ( 16:18–20 )
2. Forbidden Forms of Worship ( 16:21–17:7 )
a. Forbidden Locations ( 16:21–22 )
b. Detestable Sacrifices ( 17:1 )
c. Purge the Idolater ( 17:2–7 )
3. Courts of Law ( 17:8–13 )
4. Guidelines for a King ( 17:14–20 )
5. Provisions for Priests and Levites ( 18:1–8 )
6. Sorcery Forbidden ( 18:9–14 )
7. The Prophet like Moses ( 18:15–22 )
iii. Civil Laws and Social Justice ( 19:1–26:19 )
1. Cities of Refuge ( 19:1–14 )
2. The Testimony of Two or Three Witnesses ( 19:15–21 )
3. The Laws of Warfare ( 20:1–20 )
4. Atonement for an Unsolved Murder ( 21:1–9 )
5. Marrying a Captive Woman ( 21:10–14 )
6. Inheritance Rights of the Firstborn ( 21:15–17 )
7. A Rebellious Son ( 21:18–21 )
8. Cursed is Anyone Hung on a Tree ( 21:22–23 )
9. Various Laws ( 22:1–12 )
10. Marriage Violations ( 22:13–30 )
11. Exclusion from the Congregation ( 23:1–8 )
12. Uncleanness in the Camp ( 23:9–14 )
13. Miscellaneous Laws ( 23:15–25 )
14. Marriage and Divorce Laws ( 24:1–5 )
15. Additional Laws ( 24:6–22 )
16. Fairness and Mercy ( 25:1–4 )
17. Widowhood and Marriage ( 25:5–12 )
18. Standard Weights and Measures ( 25:13–16 )
19. Revenge on the Amalekites ( 25:17–19 )
20. Offering Firstfruits and Tithes ( 26:1–15 )
21. Call to Obedience ( 26:16–19 )
3. Moses’ Third Address: A Look into the Future ( 27:1–34:12 )
a. When You Enter the Land ( 27:1–28:68 )
i. The Altar on Mount Ebal ( 27:1–10 )
ii. Curses Pronounced from Ebal ( 27:11–26 )
iii. The Blessings of Obedience ( 28:1–14 )
iv. The Curses of Disobedience ( 28:15–68 )
b. The Covenant in Moab ( 29:1–30:20 )
i. The Covenant with the Second Generation ( 29:1–29 )
ii. The Promise of Restoration ( 30:1–10 )
iii. The Choice of Life or Death ( 30:11–20 )
c. The Future Leadership of Israel ( 31:1–30 )
i. Joshua to Succeed Moses ( 31:1–8 )
ii. The Reading of the Law ( 31:9–13 )
iii. God Commissions Joshua ( 31:14–23 )
iv. The Law Placed in the Ark of the Covenant ( 31:24–27 )
v. Leadership Gathers to Hear the Song of Moses ( 31:28–30 )
d. The Song of Moses ( 32:1–47 )
e. The Death of Moses ( 32:48–34:12 )
i. Moses’ Death Foretold ( 32:48–52 )
ii. Moses Blesses the Twelve Tribes ( 33:1–29 )
iii. The Death of Moses ( 34:1–12 )