The Book of Revelation is the final chapter of the Bible, it unveils a prophetic account of the end times, covering the themes of the 3.5-year Great Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and finally the long-awaited second coming of Christ, followed by His Millennial Reign on Earth and eventually heavenly Jerusalem coming down to the new earth. This outline will give you an overview of these events while preserving the crucial details. If you would like to study the book of Revelation in depth, you can visit our Revelation Cross-reference page.
Historical Background of the Book of Revelation
The historical context of Revelation is important for understanding its message. Written during the reign of Emperor Domitian, John wrote down this apocalyptic work while exiled on the island of Patmos. Domitian's rule was marked by increasing demands for emperor worship, persecution of Christians, and political instability within the Roman Empire. In this climate of religious and political tension, Revelation served as both a source of encouragement for persecuted believers and a prophetic warning against compromising their faith.
Structure of the Book of Revelation
Revelation is divided into three main sections:
Letters to the Seven Churches: John addresses seven churches in Asia Minor, commending their strengths, admonishing their weaknesses, and urging repentance.
Visions of Judgment: John receives visions of heavenly worship, the opening of seals, the sounding of trumpets, and the pouring out of bowls, depicting divine judgment upon the earth.
Victory and Restoration: The book culminates in the defeat of evil, the reign of Christ, the defeat of Satan, and the establishment of the new heaven and earth.
Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
Interpreting Revelation has spawned various approaches:
Preterist: Views Revelation as primarily fulfilled in the past, particularly during the first century.
Historicist: Sees Revelation as a continuous prophecy spanning throughout history, with events aligning with specific historical periods.
Futurist: Regards Revelation as primarily prophesying events yet to occur, particularly concerning the end times.
Idealist: Interprets Revelation symbolically, emphasizing its timeless themes rather than specific historical or future events.
Outline of the Book of Revelation
1. Opening
4. The Throne in Heaven
5. The Lamb
The 1st Seal: Rider on a white horse has a bow, is given a crown and goes out to conquer ( 6:1–2 )
The 2nd Seal: Rider on a red horse takes peace from the earth, is given a large sword (war) ( 6:3–4 )
The 3d Seal: Rider on a black horse has scales, is told to not hurt the oil and the wine (famine) ( 6:5–6 )
The 4th Seal: Rider on a pale green horse named Death, hell was following him, 1/4 of people are killed by the sword, famine, plague and wild animals (death) ( 6:7–8 )
The 5th Seal: Martyrs’ souls are under the altar, they are given white robes and told to wait a little longer until the rest is martyred (persecution of the saints) ( 6:9–11 )
The 6th Seal: Earthquake, sun turned black, blood moon, stars fell, sky split and rolled up, every island and mountain moved, people hid in caves ( 6:12–17 )
144,000 Sealed: Four angels hold back the wind until the 144000 are sealed on their foreheads, they are from 12 tribes: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin ( 7:1–8 )
Praise from the Great Multitude: Praise from the Great Multitude of martyrs in white robes, with palm branches, before the throne of God and the Lamb, all the angels around the throne, elders and 4 living creatures worship God, martyrs serve God in His temple ( 7:9–17 )
8. The seventh seal and the four trumpets
The 7th Seal: silence in heaven for 1/2 hour, 7 trumpets are given to 7 angels, another angel is given golden incense burner with prayers of the saints, filled it with fire from the altar, hurled it to earth causing thunder, lightening and earthquake ( 8:1–5 )
The 1st Trumpet: hail and fire mixed with blood burned 1/3 of the earth ( 8:6–7 )
The 2nd Trumpet: fiery mountain hurled into the sea turning 1/3 sea into blood, killing 1/3 creatures and destroying 1/3 ships ( 8:8–9 )
The 3d Trumpet: great "Wormwood" star fell on 1/3 rivers and springs killing people with bitter waters ( 8:10–11 )
The 4th Trumpet: 1/3 of the sun, the moon, the stars,1/3 day and 1/3 night got dark ( 8:12–13 )
9. 5th and 6th Trumpets
The 5th Trumpet: a ”star” fell from heaven, received a key to the shaft of the abyss, opened the shaft, smoke came out darkening the sun, locusts came out looking like armed horses with “golden crowns”, “human faces”, “women’s hair”, “lions teeth”, iron breastplates, noisy wings and “scorpion tails”, their king was Abandon/Apollyon, they were told not to harm plants only people for 5 months, people wished to die but could not ( 9:1–12 )
The 6th Trumpet: 4 angels are released to kill 1/3 of people, 200 million mounted troops on horses with red, blue and yellow breastplates, “lion heads”, fire, smoke and sulphur coming from their mouths and stinging snake tails, remaining people did not repent ( 9:13–21 )
10. The Angel and the Scroll
The Mighty Angel and the Small Scroll: mighty angel coming from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, face like the sun and legs like fiery pillars, holding a small opened scroll; he put his right foot on the sea, left on the land and cried with a loud lion-like roar; 7 thunders spoke, their words were sealed; the angel raised his right hand to heaven and swore by the Creator that when the 7th angel blows the trumpet, the prophesied mystery will be finished; John ate the scroll, receiving more prophecy, it was sweet in his mouth and bitter in his belly ( 10:1–11 )
11. The witnesses and the 7th Trumpet
Two Witnesses Killed and Raised: John is given a rod to measure the temple, altar, count worshippers, exclude outside court given to gentiles, who will trample the holy city for 42 months; 2 witnesses in sackcloth will have authority to prophesy 1260 days, they are the 2 olive trees-lamp stands, having power to stop rain, turn water into blood and strike the earth with any plague at any time; whoever wants to harm them is killed by the fire out of their mouths; when they finish their testimony the beast will kill them; their bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days and people will celebrate; then witnesses will resurrect and go up to heaven in a cloud; violent earthquake will destroy 1/10th of the city, killing 7000 people; survivors will give glory to God ( 11:1–14 )
The 7th Trumpet: the kingdom of the world became the Kingdom of God; time to: judge the dead, reward the saints and destroy destroyers of the Earth; temple in Heaven is opened, the ark appeared; lightening, thunder, earthquake and severe hail on earth ( 11:15–19 )
The Woman and the Dragon Signs in Heaven: the woman clothed in sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars is pregnant and in labour; the red dragon has 7 heads, 10 horns and 7 crowns, ready to devour the newborn; his tail swept 1/3 of stars from heaven to earth; the woman gave birth to a son who is to rule all nations with iron rod, he was caught up to God’s throne; the woman fled into wilderness to a place prepared by God to be nourished for 1260 days ( 12:1–6 )
The War in Heaven: Michael and angels fought the Dragon/serpent/devil/satan and his angels, who lost and was thrown out of heaven to earth ( 12:7–9 )
Authority of Christ has come: Salvation, power, kingdom and authority of Christ have come; the accuser is conquered by the blood of the lamb and by martyrs’ testimonies; rejoice heavens, but woe to Earth ( 12:10–12 )
The Woman is Persecuted: the woman is given eagle’s wings to fly to her place in the wilderness to be nourished for 3,5 times/years; the Serpent sent a river from his mouth to flood her; the earth opened up and swallowed the river; the Dragon went to war with the rest of her offspring who keep commands of God and hold to testimony of Jesus ( 12:13–17 )
13. Two Beasts and the Mark
The Beast from the Sea: the Dragon stands on the sand of the sea, the beast comes out of the sea with 10 horns, 10 crowns, blasphemous names on its heads, he is like a leopard with bear’s feet and lion’s mouth; the Dragon gave him power, throne and great authority for 42 months; one of its heads looked fatally wounded, but was healed; all the earth was amazed, followed and worshipped the beast and the Dragon; the beast is given a mouth to blaspheme God, wage war and conquer the saints ( 13:1–10 )
The Beast from the Earth: the 2nd beast had 2 horns like a lamb, spoke as a dragon, had authority like the 1st beast, compelled the earth to worship the 1st beast, performed great signs, made fire come down from heaven, deceived the people, told them to make an image of the 1st beast wounded by the sword, it gave breath to the image, so it can speak and kill the ones who will not worship it ( 13:11–15 )
The Mark of the Beast: the 2nd beast made everyone receive the mark of the name of the beast or/and the number of its name/the number of a man 666 on the right hand or/and forehead to be able to buy or sell ( 13:16–18 )
The Lamb and the 144,000: the lamb stands on Mount Zion with 144000 who have his and Father’s name on their foreheads, redeemed from the earth, virgins who follow the lamb, first fruits, blameless; sound from heaven of cascading water/loud thunder/harps, they sang a new song before the throne and 4 living creatures and elders ( 14:1–5 )
The Three Angels and Babylon’s Fall: 1st angel flying high with eternal gospel saying loudly: “Fear God, give him glory, judgement has come, worship him”. 2nd angel: “ Babylon the great has fallen”. 3d angel: Who ever worships the beast and his image and receives the mark will be tormented with fire and sulphur forever. Call for endurance of the saints who keep God’s commands and faith in Jesus”. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on” ( 14:6–13 )
The Harvest of the Earth: Son of Man on a white cloud with golden crown and sharp sickle harvested the earth. Angel who had authority over fire came from altar in heaven and said to the angel with sharp sickle : “use your sickle and gather the grapes from vineyard of the earth”. The angel gathered the grapes and threw them into the winepress of God’s wrath. The press was trampled outside the city, blood flowed ( 14:14–20 )
15. Preparation for Judgement
The Song of Moses and the Lamb: 7 angels are in heaven with the 7 last plagues, which complete God’s wrath; those who won the victory over the beast were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God, singing the song of Moses and the Lamb ( 15:1–4 )
Preparation for Judgment: heavenly temple/ tabernacle of testimony is opened, out came 7 angels with 7 plagues; one of the 4 living creatures gave them 7 golden bowls filled with God’s wrath, the temple was filled with smoke of God’s glory and no one could enter until the plagues were finished ( 15:5–8 )
16. The Seven Bowls of Wrath
1st bowl: is poured on the earth causing severely painful sores ( 16:1–2 )
2nd bowl: is poured on the sea turning it into dead blood and killing all life in it ( 16:3 )
3d bowl: is poured on the rivers and springs turning them into blood (for the blood of prophets and saints) ( 16:4–7 )
4th bowl: is poured on the sun, burning people with fire; they blasphemed God and did not repent ( 16:8–9 )
5th bowl: is poured on the beast’s throne causing darkness; people blasphemed God and did not repent ( 16:10–11 )
6th bowl: is poured on the river Euphrates drying up the water to prepare the way for the kings from the east; 3 unclean frog spirits come from dragon’s, beast’s and false prophet’s mouths performing signs to gather all kings for the battle of Armageddon ( 16:12–16 )
7th bowl: is poured on the air completing God's wrath, causing lightening, thunder and the greatest earthquake; the great city split into 3 parts and all cities fell; Babylon got the cup of God’s anger; all islands fled, mountains disappeared, 100 pound hailstones fell ( 16:17–21 )
The Woman on the Beast: notorious prostitute is seated on many waters-nations; kings committed sexual immorality with her and people are drunk with the wine of her immorality; John is carried in the spirit to a wilderness by an angel to see the woman: she is seated on a scarlet beast covered with blasphemous names, with 7 heads and 10 horns, the woman is dressed in purple and scarlet with gold jewels and pearls, she has a golden cup full of everything detestable, written on her forehead: “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Detestable Things of the Earth”, she is drunk with blood of saints ( 17:1–5 )
The Mystery Explained: the beast was, and is not, and is yet to come from the abyss and go into destruction; people will be astonished by it; 7 heads are 7 mountains-7 kings she sits on, 5 are fallen, 1 is and 1 is to come for a short time; the beast is the 8th king and belongs to the 7, 10 horns are 10 kings without a kingdom yet, they will receive authority with the beast for 1 hour; the purpose of 10 kings is to give power and authority to the beast, they will war with the lamb and loose; 10 horns and the beast will hate the woman, they will desolate her, eat her flesh and burn her; the woman is the great city that has power over the kings of the earth ( 17:6–18 )
Babylon Is Fallen: angel with great authority called out: Babylon the Great has fallen! She is the home for demons, every unclean spirit, bird and beast; all nations drank the wine of her sexual immorality; the kings took part in it, merchants got wealthy from it; “come out of her my people to not take part in her sins or share her plagues”; her plagues will come in one day-death, grief, famine and fire ( 18:1–8 )
Lament over Babylon: kings and merchants will mourn over her as she was destroyed in one hour; rejoice heaven, saints, apostles and prophets! ( 18:9–20 )
The Doom of Babylon: she is doomed because all nations were deceived by her sorcery and in her was found the blood of all slaughtered on the earth ( 18:21–24 )
19. Return of Christ
Rejoicing in Heaven ( 19:1–5 )
The Marriage of the Lamb: is coming, his bride is ready, she was given fine, bright and pure linen to wear, which is the righteous acts of the saints ( 19:6–10 )
The Rider on the White Horse: in heaven with armies of heaven following him on white horses, wearing white linen, the rider is called Faithful and True and the Word of God, He judges and makes war with justice, His eyes are like fire, His head has many crowns and the name that only He knows, His robe is dipped in blood, His name is written on the robe and on His thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords, a sharp sword from his mouth is striking the nations, he will rule them with iron rod and trample the winepress of God’s anger ( 19:11–16 )
Defeat of the Beast and False Prophet: an angel is standing in the sun calling all the birds to gather for the great supper of God to eat flesh of all people; the beast and the kings with their armies are gathered to war against the rider; the beast and the false prophet are taken prisoners and thrown into the lake of fire; the rest were killed with the rider’s sword ( 19:17–21 )
20. The Millennial Reign
Satan is Bound for 1000 Years ( 20:1–3 )
The First Resurrection, judgement thrones and authority to judge: tribulation martyrs came to life and reigned with Christ for 1000 years ( 20:4–6 )
Satan Cast into the Lake of Fire: after 1000 years Satan is released and goes to deceive the nations, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle against the saints in the beloved city; the fire from heaven consumed them, the Devil was thrown into the lake of fire, to be tormented forever ( 20:7–10 )
Great White Throne Judgment: the dead are before the throne, their books and the book of life are opened, the dead are judged according to their works, the sea, death and Hades gave up their dead to be judged; Death, Hades ("unseen place”) and anyone who’s name is not in the book of life are thrown into to the lake of fire-the second death ( 20:11–15 )
21. New Heaven and a New Earth
A New Heaven and a New Earth: heaven, earth and sea passed away; new Jerusalem comes down from heaven as a bride to new heaven and new earth; God’s dwelling is with men ( 21:1–8 )
New Jerusalem: is covered in God’s glory, clear as crystal, with high walls, 12 gates named after 12 sons of Israel, 12 angels at the gates and 3 gates on each side; the wall had 12 foundations named after 12 apostles; the city is a cube with each side of 12000 stadia (1,380 miles or 2,220 kilometres), the wall is 144 cubits (216 feet or 65.8 meters in height or thickness) made of jasper; the city made of gold clear as glass; foundations of the wall are adorned with 12 jewels: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, amethyst; 12 gates are 12 pearls; God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple and the light; the city gates will never close and nothing unclean will ever enter in ( 21:9–27 )
22. The River of Life
The River of Life: is flowing from God’s throne down the middle of the Main Street, the tree of life is on each side of the river bearing 12 kinds of fruit every month, its leaves are for healing the nations; there is no more curse; people will see God’s face and his name will be on their foreheads, they will reign forever ( 22:1–5 )
Jesus Is Coming, Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.
Nothing May Be Added or Taken Away from this Book.
Come, Lord Jesus!
To learn more about the end times you can go to these pages: