David Clements
Bucharest, Romania
Make room for me........
Move everything that you hold as security out of my way
your time is not mine
your programs are not mine
I call for a Holy stop
A holy assembly
I command you to cease from your works that have shaken you.
Come now to the upper room
when all are present that are mine I will manifest my ways and my design to you.
Confess then that your ways are not mine and then I will show you My way
Hidden in My Son is the gate to My house
In Him
In His presence is the Gate
I call for a Holy Stop
I then will reveal the Way to stop and How through the ones I send
Your hunger has served you well
now I call for a fast from the ways of men
When my presence comes I will lead you to the top of my Holy Mountain
Follow the one who lives outside the camp
Nameless ones
no reputation have they
They know the Way
I will bring you into the center of my presence
now you are at the edge
smoke and fire
I am a consuming fire when you are consumed then you will know what it is to live and move within Me.
I am the Holy One of Israel
My Son came as a living Bridge
A door to come unto me
I am that I am
Make room for me
not some of you and some of me
By you dying to receive my life
Make room for me the
I Am