David Clements, Eilat Israel
"The Name of Yahweh is a strong tower and the righteous run into Him.”
Running into My Name is running into My presence for only when you know of who I AM and who you are not
will you have the courage to run into me.
My people are afraid of being possessed by me but they are mine who love beyond fear.
Possessed of me is to be full of love and free from fear.
A key to the kingdom, possession.
Only possession by my son gives you the way to run into me.
A key to the Kingdom, relationship.
A world afraid of running into me will have me run into her midst.
A key to the Kingdom, My appearing.
What will happen when I appear?
All that is not of me will run from me into the darkness but I AM even there to consume all that is not me.
Like objects in a whirlwind, hate, division, lies, distortions, religions, idols, nations and all things will be lifted up, discerned, and damned to oblivion, in the wind of my indignation.
All because they would not run into me rather they decided to run from me.
Look, look, look and see that the bridge to me is there, yet you must make haste and run before the bridge itself,
Yeshua, runs into me.
For I AM the storm come to separate all into ONE.
Look now as the skies darken and the winds blow , the storm comes.
I AM a stirring, a wind of fire, a hurricane brewing, a gale force infinity moving into town.
What is now a small breeze will be a mighty wind a blowing that no man will find shelter from.
Run then into my Name,into me.
Surrender to me from all your wars of self, then know me in the fire of my presence>
A consuming fire I AM and I call you into my midst.
Then you will worship me in a light so bright that everything is seen and known as I AM.
Run into my name The Stronghold of Yahweh that no thing can cast’s down.
The Kingdom of Your God!
Behold, stop, look, and listen a storm is coming.
I have released the watchmen into the nations.
They come from off My Holy Walls.
From Zion the watchmen come.