David Clements
Let there be no more mixture of Me and you!
Flesh and spirit.
Mix no more the drink of harlots for this is the cup of staggering wherein you have mixed a little of you in with Me.
I have called for holiness, separation and yet too many continue to mix a little of this with a little of that.
All around I hear those who say that it is ok to mix for the sake of oneness.
Do you not understand that when you mix red with yellow you get orange.
Orange is not red and orange is not yellow but a mixture.
Compromise is the orange that I have seen amongst my Church.
You are not the painter but I Am.
I have chosen red, my blood, as my color of unity.
Therefore when I call for separation do not argue with me but yield to My Word and My Ways and do as
I have commanded.
I never called you to marry in mixture or to blend doctrines of men with My ways.
Everywhere I look I see those who try to mix the purity of my Word with their interpretations.
A mental and intellectual thing this is and it is an abomination in my sight.
It is no sacrifice at all to yield to doctrines of flesh and demons.
This is the work of the spirit of this world which seeks to cover the truth through mixture.
Even to Me he spoke truth mixed with a lie.
“Turn this to bread” and “jump from here” all truth mixed with lies.
Listen to those who speak from platforms they have raised up speaking half truths to justify the way they live and even to justify their ministries.
Prophets now run to mix themselves with Me and from them comes the smoke of confusion.
Even now this smoke gathers around My people to confuse them as they seek to see me and to hear from me.
Some even confuse this smoke for my Fire.
It is only a deception built to lift the prophets and not My Name and My Ways.
Too many have sought a Word from these prophets who use a gift to their own end.
This is because my people refuse to commit the time to seek Me.
My people do you not see that they are but I AM.
Now is the time for you to pull away from the brew of wizards and witches who have flown into My house.
Can you not open Me the Book and see the truth that you need to live by and to walk by?
You spend no time with Me or study my Word and yet you run to meetings to hear from these who will not speak the truth for fear of not getting invited back for another offering.
Prophets now stand in churches refusing to reveal the sin I show them because of fear of man when they should fear only Me the Living God.
What foolishness have you begun and who has bewitched you?
See clearly now.
Thieves come and steal from those that I have called and sent and yet my people continue to give without regard for my Will and the ones that I have chosen.
I have turned this to good for I have found out who are Mine and who belong to themselves.
Those who are Mine have stood for Me even when they have had nothing.
They have refused to curse but only bless when they are denied and accused by those who
steal positions and provision.
Some have been called to give and have been faithful while others have made excuses after I spoke to them about how much and to whom to give.
All of this has been caused by mixture.
A dash of your reasoning added to My instructions has produced a curse in you.
Now many stand and wonder where the blessing went.
I never called you to give only when it didn’t hurt.
I called you to give and make of it a sacrifice yet you changed the way and produced a curse in your house.
Now mixture abounds in the minds of men for they have become double minded and unstable.
Now I will reward each man according to his own deeds for truth has arrived in the place of a lie and all is revealed before Me.
Even now I call for you to repent and change your ways but I will not strive with your flesh forever.
How many die because my chosen cannot do what I the Lord sent them to do
because they lack provision in the battle while my church sits in ease?
What have I called for you to sacrifice and what broken legged lamb, diseased, have you brought me?
Seek out the truth of purity until you have found it and it rules you and your house.
Did I not command you to be Holy even as I AM Holy.
Mixture must go and repentance must come before I come.
I desire to hear the sounds of weeping amongst my people that I might pour out upon them the oil of gladness.
I Am calling priests and people to their knees before I come for I desire that none should be lost.
Will you loose your soul in exchange for your wisdom and ways which fight and quench My Spirit?
To return unto Me you must find My Path and walk in the narrow way of Me rather the wide ways of self.
Repent then My Priest, My Prophets, and My people before the great and terrible Day of Yahweh for soon I come to judge the quick and the dead.
Even now I sit looking into the Valley of Decision begging Mine to Repent.
Gates open and gates close in this hour that none can see so beware of the choices you make in the days ahead. For everywhere you seek to protect yourself with your reasoning you are denying Me.
Some gates will never open again and many will find themselves trapped.
Delusion grasps at the minds of many and prevents them from repentance for self blinds the spirit and locks the gate.
I call all to separation, Holiness!!!
Remove the mixture of the enemy from before me that I might not smell the smoke of your confusion but rather that I might smell the sweet smoke of the incense of your prayers.
I stand at the gate of your heart now and wait upon you but know that I the Lord will not forever strive with man for even now it is my day and the evening comes.
For My Day will come as dripping darkness upon the land.
Before your own mind and others you might justify yourself but before me no man is justified unless he is washed in the blood of my Son that comes only when you