Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding...
A change is going to come!
In the season of the spirit is my world!
It is colliding with your world which is mine. For far to long you have been separated from me.
Time and space have separated you from me and now I come to make all as one.
The infinite is now to rule over time and space. The distance between us is to disappear. I come to rule my world. The time has come for separation end.
I Am and have no separation from you, yet you do not know for the enemy has deceived you.
I do not struggle with time and space I rule them soon you will know the joy of my presence. My Son will burn away the fog of separation. I move everything that is in the way of my knowing you. My presence will destroy every obstacle. What the enemy did to destroy my walk in the garden with you will end.
My Son's finished work with you will be made manifest by my presence. Personal presence comes to destroy the darkness.
I separate light from darkness with presence. Soon I will make manifest the dawn. Like a sunny morning all will be made manifest. The work of the enemy will be gone and you will know the joy of my presence. The enemy makes war with illusion but cannot stop me the light. I am already here but because of the illusion of darkness you cannot see me. Stop and enter the quiet, the shalom, and you will know my presence. I was, I am, I wil be and you will see the finish of my design.
I Am!