Prophecy - Revelation

Welcome to our prophecy page where we submit what Yeshua has given us and others.
We pray you are blessed and challenged as He speaks.
Unless otherwise marked these words were given to David by Elohim.
The painting above is a prophet standing face to face with Yahweh.
The Word of God is full of Prophecy some fulfilled and some to be fulfilled. The prophets of Israel were often at tension with the priesthood. In the Church today this often remains the case. When the Lord speaks it often challenges us and often forewarns us of things to come and what to do in preparation.
Yeshua fulfilled over 300 prophecies when He came, lived, died, and was resurrected.
Soon He will fulfill many more as He returns to His Bride.
Make room for me........
Move everything that you hold as security out of my way, your time is not mine...
A time of shaking is increasing on the earth as the Kingdom of Heaven presses down and the Kingdom of Yahweh approaches. Prepare the way within you for a time of arrival. For the whole earth down to the molecule is in yearning for My Kingdom...