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Messianic Hebrew Worship
Gadol Adonai (Great is the Lord)
Ata Kadosh (You Are Holy)
Kumi Ori (Arise, Shine)
Tov Lehodot la'Adonai
(It is Good to Praise the Lord)
Ke'ayal Ta'arog (As the Deer Pants)
Psalm 42:1
Ruach Adonai Alai
(The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me) Isaiah 61:1-3
Ashuv Eleicha (Coming Back to You)
Haruach Vehakala (The Spirit and the Bride)
Koli El Adonai (My Voice Unto the Lord)
Hine Ke'einei Avadim
(Behold As the Eyes of Servants)
Adonai Adoneinu (Lord, Our Lord)
Psalm 8
Ram Venisa haMashiach
(High and Exaltesd is the Messiah)
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