From Zion to the Nations

Greetings in His wonderful Name, Yeshua. Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation. Salvation from sickness, from death, and from the wages of sin. In His name we pray all blessings to you and that you will know His super abounding

The Incomparable Messiah
For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have reconciliation, the forgiveness of our sins, and a relationship with the Father. Yeshua is the exact living image of the unseen God Yahweh, the firstborn of all creation.

Our Mission
We proclaim the good news that Yeshua is the saviour of all men, women, and children. We proclaim the only way, the only Truth, and He is the only Life.
We proclaim His soon return as the Lion of Judah and that He will reign forevermore from His throne in Jerusalem!
The Word of God is full of Prophecy some fulfilled and some to be fulfilled.
The prophets of Israel were often at tension with the priesthood. In the Church today this often remains the case.
When the Lord speaks it often challenges us and often forewarns us of things to come and what to do in preparation.
We pray you are blessed and challenged as He speaks.